Line of Blood by Balraj Khanna


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Title : Line of Blood Author

Author : Balraj Khanna

Publisher : Palimpsest Publishing House

ISBN : 978-93-82622-215

MRP : `250

Binding :  Paperback

Category : Fiction

Number of pages : 248


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About the Book

Line of Blood: Eminent writer Balraj Khanna’s Line of Blood is an evocation of the trauma and tension in the bordering areas of Punjab in the months before Partition in 1947. Perhaps never before the pangs of the subcontinent’s vivisection have been so poignantly captured. Well-known British writer Paul Pickering says, ‘There is a magnificence about the book which makes one think of Tolstoy… in this Line of Blood is a triumph and truly Dostoyevskian in its greatness.’ With consummate mastery in creating characters, very real and yet larger-than-life, Khanna has no doubt produced one of the best Partition narratives.

About the Author

Balraj Khanna, one of the best-known Indian artists in Europe today, has written a number of books. Nation of Fools, his acclaimed 1984 novel, won the Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize. It was chosen as one of the 200 best novels since 1950 in The Modern Library by Carmen Callil and Colm Toibin. Khanna lives in London.

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